Wednesday, July 31, 2019

PACCAR System Lab Essay

1. Why did PACCAR commit such a large amount of resources to electronic systems during the recession? PACCAR decided to commit such a large amount of resources to electronic systems during the recession because they knew it was something they needed to introduce in their company to stay competitive. It also would help their staff with smart technology as it relates to navigation and engine performance. PACCAR knew that with these upgraded systems they could both have better intelligence for their customers as well as better navigation and output readings for their drivers. Even though it was during a recession, PACCAR saw this as an opportunity to do some in house improvements. 2. What are the beneï ¬ ts of PACCAR’s new navigation system and diagnostic system to truck drivers? The benefits of PACCAR’s new navigation system and diagnostic system to truck drivers are abundant. With the new diagnostic system drivers can keep an eye on anything wrong with their truck and with new software updates to only add gauges, it seems like drivers will be able to see a small problem and fix it before it becomes a bigger problem. The new navigation system shows drivers heights of bridges, weight limits on bridges, rest stops, weigh stations, and anything else a driver may need. As we all know it is hard navigating somewhere you’ve never been before. With this navigation system the driver doesn’t have to worry about any height or weight issues because the system knows any restrictions. 3. What are the beneï ¬ ts to PACCAR of collaborating with outside companies in building new systems? Some benefits to PACCAR collaborating with outside companies in building new systems are that they have an already knowledgeable group working on the new systems and that they, in turn, get taught that knowledge and can take on  the responsibility of upkeep and updating the system after it has been integrated. When you are not an expertise in software development and things like that, trying to just do everything in house can be just as, if not more expensive as getting someone to do it that knows what they are doing. Not only that, but if you mess something up, you may not even realize it until it is way too late, causing more problems. Also what better way to learn then from watching and working with someone that is an expert in the field. By gaining all of that experience and know how, PACCAR can now create updates and fix issues on their own without having to outside consult anymore, unless it is necessary. 1. Describe the reasons that Hilton decided to collaborate with IT partners rather than develop its own information systems in house. Hilton decided to collaborate with IT partners rather than develop its own information systems in house because they knew what a huge undertaking developing its own information systems would be. Hilton had different business it needed to deal with and it had no real knowledge of the IT world, so it needed some help. We know it was a huge undertaking because they asked five different companies to run five different parts of their IT. This leaves Hilton the ability to run its business and not have to worry about things like IT. 2. What are the problems associated with collaborating with ï ¬ ve large strategic IT partners? Provide speciï ¬ c examples to support your answer. Some problems associated with collaborating with five large strategic IT partners would be each company has its own strategy. For example, IBM and Microsoft do a lot of the same things, so how does Hilton decide who runs what, or who has power to adjust things over the other. Does IBM run all the data collection and storage with its server knowledge or does Microsoft because Hilton is using their software. At the same time, all of this is done wirelessly, so when there is a problem, who do we contact? The network provider, who is AT&T, or the server provider IBM. It can get tricky, but I am sure Hilton has a team that sorts these type of problems out.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Consider how Shakespeare presents madness Essay

Consider how Shakespeare presents madness in the play and explain whether you think it does illustrate how, â€Å"something is rotten in the state of Denmark. † One of the main themes in Hamlet is that of madness. Shakespeare conveys madness through not only Hamlet but through other characters as well, such as Ophelia, to covey that that the state of Denmark is rotten. At the beginning of the play, the first thing introduced are the night watchmen seeing the ghost. This is at the beginning because it is the first event in the chain that eventually leads to Hamlet seeking revenge for his father’s death. Although he was upset by his father’s death and his mother’s ‘o’erhasty marriage’, it was the revelation that his father was murdered that he thinks that he must take revenge. When Horatio first speaks to the ghost he recognises that it is unnatural for it to be there; â€Å"What art thou that unsurp’st this time of night†, illustrating that he feels that the ghost has ‘wrongfully seized’ the night. The atmosphere is unsettling and the ghost’s unnatural appearance is a sign of the bad things going on in Denmark, especially the court; â€Å"This bodes some strange eruption to our state. † During the times that the play was written, unusual things that happened were seen as a sign that something was not right in the courts; â€Å"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark†. This could be referring either to the whole of Denmark, or just the courts. It is after Hamlet sees the ghost that he decides that he will pretend to be mad; â€Å"put an antic disposition on†, but he does not want his friends to tell anyone what they have seen or that he is feigning madness; â€Å"Never make known what you have seen tonight†, as he believes that this way he can find means to exact his revenge on Claudius for killing his father; â€Å"And thy commandment all alone shall live within the book and volume of my brain†, meaning that all he shall have in his thoughts is how the ghost of his father told him to exact revenge on Claudius. This is the first step in the theme of madness for the play. Although Hamlet clearly says that he will be putting on his madness, it is uncertain whether actually he does go mad during the play, as illustrated in his outbursts towards his mother and Ophelia, and the murder of Polonius. There is much deception during the play, such as Claudius trying to gloss over the fact that he knows that his marriage to Gertrude could be seen as incest by the Church and that Hamlet should have been the rightful heir to the throne; â€Å"Yet so far hath discretion fought with nature that we with wisest sorrow think on him together with remembrance of ourselves. † He says that he is mourning and feels that mourning is appropriate for the old king, but he must think of himself, perhaps hinting at the fact that the death was convenient for him and he has had enough of mourning. This is characteristic of him throughout the play as all he has done and will do is for his own self interest, as when Hamlet asks if he can leave the castle, Claudius refuses, saying; â€Å"And we beseech you, bend you to remain here in the cheer and comfort of our eye†. He appears to be asking him to stay for his comfort, but he actually wants to keep an eye on him because he knows that he is still a threat to him and the throne. He at first seemed to want Hamlet to become like a son to him, but that changes as soon as he realises he could be a threat to him. He also continually uses the words ‘we’, ‘our’ and ‘us’ to establish himself as the husband of Gertrude and the King of Denmark. Polonius comments; â€Å"with pious action we do sugar o’er the devil himself†. To which Claudius replies as an aside; â€Å"The harlot’s cheek, beautied with plastering art, is not more ugly to the thing that helps it than is my deed to my most painted word. † Claudius admits that he is covering up the truth, continuing the theme of deception, adding to the audience’s awareness of the rottenness of Denmark. As there becomes more deception and secrecy throughout the play, it seems that the imagery in the language reflects the deception, and images of disease are used; â€Å"For the sun breed maggots in a dead dog, being a good kissing carrion†. This could be language to refer to how that state of Denmark is rotting, but also Hamlet’s language seems to reflect his turmoil as he tried to decide what to do about Claudius, and as he gets more frustrated with himself he becomes more abusive towards his mother and Ophelia; â€Å"You are keen my lord, you are keen. † â€Å"It would cost you a groaning to take off mine edge. † He is taunting Ophelia using double meaning. Hamlet is very good at creating double meanings, like when he says to Claudius; â€Å"I am to much i’th’sun†, which he says as if he is in too much sunshine but also he is saying that he feels too much like Claudius’s son. Later in the play the text says; â€Å"It will but skin and film the ulcerous place, whiles rank corruption, mining all within, infects unseen. † He is saying that corruption, like infection starts within, and the corruption of Denmark will begin with the court. This also links in with madness because madness also starts from within – within the mind, and perhaps it is saying that just one unstable mind could bring down all the state. Another way that Shakespeare presents madness in the play is through Ophelia. She goes mad after Hamlet kills her father, but also because of the way Hamlet treated her – cruelly. He said to her that he loved her, and there were some hints that he had been intimate with her, but he treats her badly and even tells her that he does not love her. She has been a victim of a corrupt society – from Hamlet leaving her and from her father, such as using her as a pawn to spy on Hamlet. After she has become mad, she sings many songs. The first one that she sings is, ‘How should I you true love know’. This song could be her recalling the death of her father; â€Å"He is dead and gone lady, he is dead and gone. † This is the first thing that comes into her mind to sing about, so it must be the thing that is foremost in her mind. It could also be that she is recalling how Hamlet is now lost to her, and she is still looking for her true love, because it seems obvious that she has not found him yet. However, the rest of the songs seem to be about Hamlet, as they are about lost love and some of them imply that Ophelia had been sexually intimate with Hamlet; â€Å"Quoth she, before you tumbled me you promised me to wed†. It seems that both her father and Hamlet are responsible for Ophelia’s madness, and this is reiterated by what Ophelia sings about. Ophelia was controlled all the men in her life, and this was customary for the time, but it seems that they took too much of a hold on her, with none of them considering her feelings, for her father told her to no longer speak to Hamlet as it could affect his career, Laertes also told her to stay away from Hamlet and Hamlet was cruel to her. She also says, after her first song; â€Å"They say the owl was a baker’s daughter. † This could just be nonsense, but it could also be referring to her father, saying that once she was the daughter of a man in the court, but now she is just the daughter of a dead old man. Polonius did help the corruption in Denmark, such as spying and trying to make sure his own career was safe, and because of him Ophelia is mad. Hamlet also said that he loved Ophelia, and whereas before he was tender, due to the corruption around him and his succumbing to it, he was a factor in Ophelia’s madness, which eventually led to her suicide. By the actions of people around her, Ophelia is tainted by the corruptness around, as Hamlet says in the beginning of the play says that she is pure, but later on says she is wanton like all women, and tells her; â€Å"to a nunnery go. † This could be to send her to be protected, or it could be a sarcastic remark telling her to go to a brothel.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Project Report On Marketing Fundamentals Tesla

Market research is one of the vital components adopted by companies to understand the needs, beliefs and desires of the customers. Primary and secondary are the major types of research that includes market information, market segmentation, market trends, SWOT analysis and other tools that help to gain an insight of the market conditions (Elliott, Thiele and Waller, 2014). Tesla is an American based automobile company that has very well positioned itself through its planned and extensive market research (Tesla, 2017). The company performed a strategic market research by using different tools such as PESTEL analysis, surveys and questionnaires and other methods to gather information from the market. Tesla used PESTEL analysis to assess the political, economic, social, legal, environmental and technological factors of the market to construe that the governments are promoting the production of environmental cars because of rising prices of fuel. The customers, on the other hand, have also begun to prefer the cars that protect the environment and do not pollute it due to which there was a demand for electric cars in the market (Forbes, 2016). Further, Tesla also conducted interviews with groups of moms and women of different ages to take their opinion about electric cars (Forbes, 2016). Thus, from the research, the company developed its marketing strategies and launched the product Model X especially for women (Forbes, 2016). The model was designed by considering the core selling points including safety, large space for kids and a third row. The engineers of the company incorporated all of this into the car design and manufacturing process. Another feature that was inferred from the research was that the female generally prefer to have a beautiful car along with ease for their children (Forbes, 2016). Thus, the company strategically used market research data to develop an effective product for the female.    Competition in a market arises when there are several players offering similar product or services to a large number of consumers. The players compete with each other in order to acquire a larger market share of the market and increase their sales revenue (Economics Online, 2017). The players could compete on the basis of prices, marketing, strategies and attributes of products to attract a greater share of target audience (Lin, 2016). Coca Cola is one of the largest producers of cold drinks with its huge network of sales and distribution around the world. The company has established its unique brand identity through its quality products and strong global recognition. Coca cola has its huge fan following that is a result of its customer loyalty (Lin, 2016). The main competitor of Coca Cola is Pepsi that is a thorn in the flesh for the company. Coca cola would have become the leading soft drink company around the world without Pepsi. The presence of Pepsi has brought significant changes in the marketing strategies of Coca Cola company. When Pepsi reduced its prices in the market of Australia, Coca cola also reduced the prices in order to maintain its position in the supermarket’s shelf. Coca cola has to incur a huge loss in order to carry out this campaign and retain its market position (Lin, 2016). The advertisements launched by Pepsi also influence the marketing strategies of Coca cola (Lin, 2016). Coca cola responds with complete maturity to the ads of the Pepsi in order to retain its position in the minds of the consumers. Thus, Coca Cola has to invest a huge amount of money to compete with Pepsi through huge advertising and marketing strategies. Coca cola has increased its advertising budget amount in order to stay in competition with the Pepsi (Lin, 2016). PESTEL analysis helps to determine the political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal aspects of a country that would facilitate the growth of the product and the company. Samsung introduced its latest product Galaxy S8 after an extensive PESTEL analysis of the market in order to acquire maximum returns from the market. The political factors include stable political conditions, country relations and the support of government. Overall Samsung has received favorable response from the market of US, Australia, Europe and developing nations of Asia (Walters, 2017). The company faced some issues due to volatility of Latin American countries that affect the operations of the company. Samsung Galaxy S8 has captured the market in a short span of time in the developing nations but faced some issues in developed nations due to low purchasing power of the customers. Korea’s strong currency also affected the revenue of the product. The market has witnessed rising popularity of electronic and mobile devices among the consumers because of changing and emerging technology. The main challenge that the company faces is the frequent changes in the demands of the consumers. Samsung has very well tailored its product to suit the needs of almost every consumer around the world (Walters, 2017). Samsung is one of the most innovative companies that stays ahead of its competitors and makes optimum use of technology to offer the latest products to the customers. Samsung has produced amazing software and applications by effectively blending the market demand and technology in a single product Galaxy S8 (Walters, 2017). Samsung has to face numerous issues regarding Copyrights and patents. The company also faced challenges regarding wireless communication regulations and had to adhere to the laws and regulations pertaining to electronic device safety around the globe. Samsung has always considered the laws and regulations of the environment and has deployed processes that do not pollute the environment. SWOT analysis is used by the companies to determine their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to develop a marketing plan (Lamb, Hair and McDaniel, 2008). Woolworths is one of the Australian retail based firm that consistently enhance its strategies in order to retain its market position. Woolworths occupies the largest market share of Australia and is the pioneer firm to introduce the concept of retail chain (Greenblat, 2017). The retail chain has established its brand name and unique identity through its quality products and services. Woolworths is one of the oldest retail companies but does not have a global presence when compared to its competitors. The retail chain also has not been successfully able to develop a sustainable unique selling proposition that questions its credibility and market positioning (Berry, 2016). The company delayed to enter online market due to which it has to face tough competition. Woolworths could expand its business by exploring new markets and establish its global presence. It could deploy franchise model and joint venture strategy in the beginning in order to penetrate deeper in the market. The cost of food material and other products has witnessed an increase that could affect the profitability of the firm. The ongoing recession has also influenced the activities of the organization. There is an intense pressure in the market from Aldi and Coles that is again affecting the market share of the company (Berry, 2016).    From the SWOT analysis, the company has explored its opportunities by entering the international market of UK through marketing mix element. Product: Woolworths introduced its quality services that ensure freshness of food and high product quality (The Conversation, 2017). Price: Woolworths has deployed economical pricing strategy in order to capture the market (The Conversation, 2017). Promotion: Woolworths offered discount offers to attract large number of audience. Place: Woolworths opened its stores in the main market area in order to attract the audience. Segmentation is the process of dividing the entire market into smaller segments to determine segment for the company (Lamb, Hair and McDaniel, 2008). Segmentation could be done on the basis of demographics, geography, lifestyle and psychology of the customers.   The different segments could include youngsters, executives, professionals, adults, female, housewives, unemployed and college students (Elliott, Thiele and Waller, 2014). After segmenting, a particular group of people called target market is targeted by the industry through strategic marketing and advertising. Positioning is influencing the minds of consumers through effective marketing strategies (Elliott, Thiele and Waller, 2014). Retail industry is one of the largest industries of Australia that targets a large group of segment. Around 70%-90% of the consumers prefer to shop their groceries and other household material from the retail chains because of the availability of a wide range of products (Greenblat, 2017). The target customers of retail industry include housewives, females, adults and middle aged people. The customers are attracted towards the retail chains because of low priced products and quality services (Greenblat, 2017). Thus, the retail industry has very well identified its target group from which it can increase its sales revenue and profitability. Further, the strategic positioning involves offering low priced product along with quality services, discounts and special offers during festive season also excite the customers to shop from retail stores. The customers are also promised fresh food products and customized services such as home delivery, app based shopping and other unique services (Greenblat, 2017). The consumers feel elated and experience a unique shopping experience with the retail stores that compels them to shop for next time and become a loyal customer. Thus, the industry has strategically positioned itself as a low cost brand that offers quality services along with a unique experience to its consumers. Brand management is one of the most crucial elements of marketing that has occupied the top most concern for the leaders of the companies. A brand has to consistently evolve itself in order maintain its sustainability by meeting the customer demands. Apple is one of the examples of successful brand management around the world. The brand has very well utilized and internalized the concept of perceived value due to which the consumers always assess the benefits of its products of much higher value as compared to their prices. The brand has built itself by connecting with the consumers through their emotions that they experience while using the Apple’s products (Bajarin, 2016). The customers never forget a brand with which they have had a great experience and Apple has very well internalize this process through its highly innovative and technologically advanced products. Another major reason for Apple’s success is its risk taking ability and targeting the emerging market through which it became a pioneer and leader in the electronics market (Scheidies, 2017). Nokia is a Finnish multinational corporation that demonstrates the example of failed brand. Nokia might have evolved as successful brand but failed miserably because of its ineffective marketing strategies. The major reason for Nokia’a failure was Nokia did not deploy appropriate marketing strategies and projected itself more like an engineering company in the market (Huy, 2016). The company could not touch the chord of the consumers through its products and services. The company was rather more focused to build hardware devices instead of satisfying the needs of the consumers. Nokia always underestimated the significance of software in a mobile set due to which it was unable to adapt itself with the transitioning business environment (Surowiecki, 2016). Nokia never adapted the latest operating system and insisted on its hardware design. Another blunder of Nokia was its inability to analyze its competition that it faced from Apple and Samsung. Elliott, G., Thiele, S.R., and Waller, D. (2014). Marketing. Australia: John Wiley & Sons. Forbes. (2016). Tesla's Unique Position In The Car Market Is One Of Its Biggest Strengths. Forbes. Available at: [Accessed Online 4 May 2017]. Huy, Q. (2016). Who Killed Nokia? Nokia Did. Insead Knowledge. Available at: [Accessed Online 4 May 2017]. Lamb, C.W., Hair, J.F., and McDaniel, C. (2008). Essential of Marketing. Cengage Learning. Surowiecki, J. (2016). Where Nokia Went Wrong. New Yorker. Available at: [Accessed Online 4 May 2017].

Substance Absue Relapse Amung Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Substance Absue Relapse Amung Women - Essay Example Relapse is a situation of 'converting back' from a condition after a short or long abstinences. In drug addiction and substance abuse, it can be defined as "the resumption of the use of drugs after leaving it for some time" (Harris, J., Anderson, J. and Sharon, W, 1998). For substance abuse relapse among women, the issue of resumption of females to substance abuse after they have recovered. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines substance abuse as "the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances which include illicit drugs and alcohol". A prolonged or repeated use of such substances can lead to addiction which is usually evident with continued use of the substances despite the fact that physical and mental deterioration is being noticed. In fact, various researchers in the world have come up with different conclusions and suggestions regarding the causes, effects, solutions and recommendations on how to deal with substance abuse and relapse not only among women but also in all genders (Laws, D. & Ward, T. 2000). Substance abuse is a global issue. ... "In some producing areas, in Iran, between 4 and 6 percent of the population are opium addicts. The country has an estimated 1.2 million opiate addicts, including 150,000 heroin users. In the producing areas of Laos and Thailand, the addiction rate is as high as 10 percent. Fully 80 percent of the heroin consumed in Europe comes via the Balkans. Of the opium that comes from Southeast Asia, as much as 50% is sent to China. In the United States and Canada, in 1991 there were 360,000 heroin addicts; in 2000 there were 600,000 heroin addicts." (Cherry, Dillon, & Rugh, 2002) "Indeed, on the average, the federal government has spent well over $10 billion a year on drug control for at least the last ten years. Currently, fifty-two federal agencies have a stake in drug control, and each must justify its budget." (Cherry, Dillon, & Rugh, 2002) The U.S. has a lengthy history of legal and social measures aimed at thwarting substance abuse. The first legal measures against substance abuse came in 1875 when opium dens were outlawed in San Francisco in 1875. (Cherry, Dillon, & Rugh, 2002) "The first national drug law, the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, required accurate labelling of patent medicines containing opium and certain other drugs."(Cherry, Dillon, & Rugh, 2002) "The spirit of temperance led to the prohibition of alcohol by the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1919." (Cherry, Dillon, & Rugh, 2002) Narrowing the substance abuse view down, the literature shows that in 2003 there were 56, 671 treatment admissions in the state of New Jersey. (New Jersey Department of Human Services, 2004) Of those admissions 56, 671 treatment admissions in the state of New Jersey, Essex county recorded

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Deficit, Debt and Political Theory of Government Debt Essay

Deficit, Debt and Political Theory of Government Debt - Essay Example Those who support this theory base it on the following two assumptions: 1. A budget constraint for the government does not mean that the government will have a deficit forever. A tax reduction or increase in expenditure that leads to spending being higher than revenues means that the deficit will have to be financed through a future tax increase or decrease. 2. The second assumption assumes that consumers are rational and will not increase consumption due to a debt financed tax cut. Their being rational means that they will reduce their consumption, because they understand the government’s fiscal policies that the increase in government spending finance through debt, will lead to higher taxes in future. The above assumptions imply that lower taxes and higher government expenditure through increased debt will not affect the economy as a whole (Alesina & Guido, 1990). There are those economists who are against the Ricardian equivalence and argue that a budget deficit can be extr emely dangerous for an economy. According to Ricardians, lower taxes today means higher taxes tomorrow. The opponents see the timing of the expected future tax increase to trickle up to a future generation.... More debt for the government leads to a higher budget deficit (Barro, 1974). Budget Deficit and Public Debt Public debt or government debt is the amount a government owes. A government needs money to finance its expenses. It finances through borrowing from the public by issuing treasury bills or bonds and borrowing from corporations, individuals and foreign governments. The public debt is the outstanding amount borrowed in the past but has not yet been repaid. The size of the public debt is determined by the cumulative amount of borrowing that the government has done. Budget deficit is the excess spending the government has incurred over its income. When the total expenses are subtracted from all income and there is a shortfall, this is known as a budget deficit. The government has spent more money than they can earn. When the income is more than the expenditure this is known as a surplus. The link between budget deficit and public debt is that when a government has a budget deficit it has to get money to finance the deficit and it does this by borrowing which leads to accumulation of more debt. The magnitude of the debt is measured by the debt to GDP ratio (Barro, 1979). Foreign investors will be interested in the debt to GDP ratio, as this clearly indicates the financial position of the economy. A foreign investor will invest in a country that can pay its debt and where the economy is growing. Factors determining an Explosive dynamic Debt to GDP Ratio Public debt increases due to excessive borrowing by the government from issuing treasury bills or bonds and borrowing from foreign governments, individuals and state corporations. GDP is the Gross Domestic Product of an economy and it is the total income from individuals, corporations and the government. Debts are

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Mill on Repression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mill on Repression - Essay Example Moreover, his individuality must be nurtured instead of hampered. This idea greatly affects his belief that social repression must be thwarted. This paper intends to look deeper into the ideas of Mill in order to understand further why he is so against social repression and to examine further the differences between social and political repression. As mentioned earlier, Mill strongly believes in individuality. Consequently, he also has considerable confidence in diversity. As human beings, each of us have differences and such differences often make us differ in tastes, opinions, interests and other important characteristics and traits. For Mill, such differences should be encouraged instead of stopped. He is against uniformity because this thwarts the expression of one’s unique attributes. As a result, uniformity encourages a few people to stand out because they take courage in being different however, ultimately, the numbered few will rise to rule over the uniform others. Suc h system eventually leads to other social problems such as political repression, tyranny, racism and sexism. On the contrary, when individual attributes are to be encouraged, there would be no uniformity but diversity. Diversity results to individualism which in turn inspires being informed. Information is very important in improving one’s self. As they say, knowledge is power. ... Whereas when there is uniformity, those who are able to access important information tend to keep it to themselves so that they will be the only ones to benefit from the knowledge. In addition, the numbered few who tend to rise when there is uniformity often alter information fed on the bigger percentage of the population so that they are deceived to believe that they are well-informed. This leads to tyranny because the misinformed public tends to trust the stronger majority. Consequently, people can be transformed to puppets who will simply obey what is asked of them. People will be dictated by a few individuals who are able to control the information being told and they will in turn ‘mere industrious sheep’ who will simply obey orders without questioning. This again can lead to abuses such as what was witnessed in the relationship between the Black slaves and the White masters during the recent century. Through social repression, the Blacks were made to believe that th ey are mere objects who were supposed to serve their White masters. However, as social beings, the Blacks came to learn that they, too, can have the liberty the Whites are enjoying and that they can also have their own lands by doing lesser jobs compared to when they are yet slaves. For decades, there have been no Blacks who excelled in art, music or other professions because they have been deprived of opportunities and information. This is the very reason why Mill is against social repression. He is afraid that there will come a day when the talents and creativity of individuals will not be encouraged because they have been limited to some standards. He sees this as a dangerous end because when such circumstance happens, people will eventually become accustomed to an

Friday, July 26, 2019

Artist Reading Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Artist Reading Summary - Essay Example Born of an Irish mother and a full-blood Indian crow native father, she tries to depict, through her artwork, the combinations of those two different yet very important aspects of her cultural life. Before the passage of the two Acts, Western intrusion on perspective, history and ways of Amerindian were depicted wrongly. Many of them, through artistic approach, inaccurately drew the native culture and history as was knowledgeable to them. Linda explains how tradition methods of collecting and producing native art practices by Westerners altered the outlook. Linda Smith says the manner in which the colonialist perceived and presented knowledge about natives and their aspects of life is misleading (Smith 1). Janet Berlo observes in Early years of Native America History states that the history of Indian American art history in terms of shifting truths, falsehood, appropriations, scholarly formulations and historical moments-of different conjunctures of different historical moments (Berlo 13). In her artwork, Star shows the paradigms of Indian culture through the eyes of an original Amerindian. She displays the different outlook of her culture and how it has merged with modern society, something that previous artwork did not show. While elaborating the dynamics that shifted and led to native artist trying to be the originators of Indian works, Caro shows how Luna and Durham have tried to contribute to the understanding of the truth. Luna and Durham explain their cultures and correct collective knowledge presented of Amerindian history through art. Wendy Star tries to explain her culture when she depicts herself as a traditional crow woman. Her self-depiction may be seen clearly in the Indian attire she adorns. She represents the history of her culture by the human skeletons, adorning Indian traditional headdress at the table with her. Together, they illustrate the truthfulness of her culture as an Indian. Caro, in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Comparison of the Marriage and Courtship of the Tuaregs and the Research Paper

Comparison of the Marriage and Courtship of the Tuaregs and the Americans - Research Paper Example The Tuareg can visit the girl of his choice whom he met at the abal and they may converse together but usually, they exchange jokes as a part of their dating, making the meeting an enjoyable one where they are both happy. The woman during the visit does her best to please the visiting man by doing him little favors like cooking the best food, mending the man’s clothes and playing the violin for her visitor. Dating to Americans is similar to this practice wherein men usually visit the women. Nevertheless, with the demands of the modern world, they usually dine out and the visitation lasts for just a few hours wherein the only favor given to the man is the food prepared, without the mending of clothes and playing the violin, not unless the woman has the skill and is requested to play. Food probably is the common denominator not only to the Tauregs and Americans but in all cultures in such an occasion where both parties get to know each other better. Communication to the American s is more open and not limited to joking, though dating is not without jokes thrown at each other and the partners are still nice to one another. Looking at the process of courtship the Tuareg’s undergo, it could be said they similarly accept dating as a pre-engagement practice ( Tuaregs follow the same steps as the Americans do wherein after the dating process comes the proposal. To the former, proposal requires a lot of work for the man because he has to seek the approval of all of his close kin which according to Nicolaisen & Nicolaisen (723) not only include the parents but the siblings as well. The number of people needed to approve of the marriage proposal is not the one... Comparison of the Marriage and Courtship of the Tuaregs and the Americans Courtship to the Tuaregs is as exciting as that enjoyed by the Americans and yet, not of the same practice but of the thrill their different cultures bring along in the process. For the desert people, a practice called abal summons young single men to court young single women. Older men are not invited in the courting session but the occasion is strictly set for the younger generation to meet a probable future spouse. In this courtship, attractive girls are surrounded by young bachelors who show interest in a maiden and may sit with them for hours with some who just look at her while others attempt to chat with her or even touch her (Nicolaisen & Nicolaisen 722). Moreover, the men do not just attend the abal as they are, but have to use veil. Courtship to the Tuaregs is strictly observed and similarly considered important as with the Americans. The Americans, though have their own freedom to choose how they court. The heavily veiled Tuareg groom is led by a company of young men to the wedding tent where these are comparable to the American Groom’s men. Correspondingly, a group of women accompany the veiled Tuareg bride to the wedding tent in a slower speed than the men, also similar to the American Bride’s maids who assist the bride in the procession, keeping her looking beautiful and comfortable throughout the ceremony. After the procession, the Tuaregs complete the practice the following day but to the Americans, party would be over after the reception.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Why is Abraham Lincoln considered to be the nation€™s Essay

Why is Abraham Lincoln considered to be the nationâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s greatest president In your answer, be sure to analyze the essence of the Lincoln legacy and consider how he lives on in American memory - Essay Example because though he was from a poor family and had scant formal education, he saw to it that the nation held together during its worst crisis recorded in history. He not only won the civil war but ended the institution of slavery also. A leader with a fainter vision or a weaker will would not have achieved all these in such a short period. For these reasons, Lincoln is regarded by some people as ‘the great Emancipator’ and ‘the savior of the American Union’. He is even regarded as a martyr for the way he was assassinated. The Republican Party, of which Lincoln was leader, had campaigned against slavery during the elections and won the 1960 elections. This election victory resulted in seven southern states declaring their withdrawal from the U.S forming the confederacy which stood for Confederate States of America. In 1861, the confederate forces staged an attack on a U.S military installation to which Lincoln responded by calling for volunteer armies from all states. This call led to four more states declaring their withdrawal from the U.S. The civil war then started between the United States, known at that time as the Union, and the Confederate. In 1862, Abraham Lincoln made an emancipation proclamation which not only deterred the British from getting involved but also made the war have the goal of ending slavery in the southern states. The war continued with both sides reporting victories and losses. In April 1865 the Confederate suffered huge losses and surrendered to the Union. The war, being the worst war in American history, had claimed the lives of over 600,000 solders with an unknown number of civilians. The victory, under his leadership, of the U.S. resulted in the absolution of slavery to date, the coming together of all states and the strengthening of the position of the federal government. Abrahams Lincoln’s high status as the greatest president of the U.S. was well deserved for the way he led the war and won. Being a person of gentle

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Interpersonal skills and team techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Interpersonal skills and team techniques - Essay Example When we talk about teams, one of its qualities is the cohesive and interactive nature of team work. To build and amplify these characteristics, some of these interpersonal skills need to be developed. (Shepherd et al., 2007) Listen: Listening is more than hearing. It is the ability to understand what the other person is saying (Bostrom, 1997). Team members need to listen to others so that problems and solutions can be discussed effectively. Reflect: Reflection is the ability to reflect and think about the past and present situations. It also builds cohesion in teams as team members get the opportunity to analyze and think about their behaviors and actions against other team members. Facilitate: Facilitating includes helping out and aiding fellow team members. This skill creates trust between the team members as they know that if they require some assistance, other team members are there to watch one’s back. Communicate: Communication is considered the most essential skill that a person must possess to clearly put across one’s ideas and solutions. Clear and complete communication is required to remove any misunderstandings in teams. A person having a good set of interpersonal skills is expected to prosper working in teams or even independently. These skills must be taught and promoted throughout the organization for the following reasons. Reduces Conflict: A good and effective communication leaves no room for misunderstanding, hence there is lesser chance of conflicts arising in teams. In cases of disagreement, a team leader can intervene and clarify the situation to resolve the conflict. (AMA) Increased Participation: Communication and listening skills encourages team members to increase participation in meetings and be more social. This increases the input from all members thus they would feel comfortable working in the team environment. A

The federalist Essay Example for Free

The federalist Essay If there would have been no credible arguments against the proposed constitution then there would have been no need for the intense material of The Federalist. And, if there would have been no Federalist then understanding the Constitution would have been significantly reduced. The Constitution is a concise manuscript which is not suitable for an argument or for an explanation. The Federalist makes us understand the minds of the creators. Madison commented that The Federalist offers â€Å"the most authentic exposition of the text of the Federal Constitution, as understood by the Body which prepared and the authority which accepted it. † The Federalist justifies why the authors found the Articles of Confederation unacceptable; why they wanted to separate the powers of the government’s branches; why they split the national legislature into two different houses; why they thought that a federal court for the final appeal was desirable and necessary; why they banned titles of nobility; why they said that a bill of rights was a needless addition, and why a lot of other permissions and prohibitions were written into the Constitution or excludes completely. â€Å"As a contribution to the ratification debate, The Federalist is an extended exercise in exposition, explanation, and persuasion. As a work of political theory, then, The Federalist flies fairly close to the ground, rarely soaring into the stratosphere of philosophical abstraction. † Articles of Confederation If the Articles of Confederation would not have failed then there would have been no Constitution and surely no Federalist Papers. After two centuries it is not easy to picture the hectic state of America in the post revolutionary era. There was so much going on. America won a war but still the eastern seaboard was susceptible to attackers. Then the economy was weighed down by numerous currencies and tariffs, the state governments were bankrupt, and the central government was only central in name. Everything was hap hazard and nothing was going right. Since 1776 till 1787 America was an uncontrolled union of states which were ruled by the Articles of Confederation, which had a serious defect and that was the individual states had power and that power remained with them. The central government was just there to be called central. It could do nothing. It could neither increase revenues nor pass and ratify legislation necessary for independent states. To pass laws, nine votes out of thirteen states were necessary and an undisputed and agreed by all votes was essential to effect any basic change in the Articles. Making a central government with such weakness was deliberate because the American colonists had angrily rejected the British crowns authority to control trade and collect taxes. The governmental body created under the Articles of Confederation was basically immobilized, and there was no executive or judicial branch as well. What is more, the thirteen states had distinct political and commercial concerns and therefore a brief duration of artificial harmony among these states proved to be unsuccessful in producing a nationalized identity. What is surprising is that nine states had navies; seven printed their own currency, and the majority had tariff and customs laws. Also, New York was charging duties on ships transporting firewood or farm produce to and from neighboring states such as, New Jersey and Connecticut. When the soldiers mentioned that â€Å"New Jersey is our country, they were endorsing the prevailing emotions of other states. The insolvent state governments also contributed largely to the political turmoil of the 1780s. Hamilton harshly attacked the Articles of Confederation when he stated in Federalist No. 9 that the states promoted little, jealous, clashing, tumultuous commonwealths, the wretched nurseries of unceasing discord. Madison when writing Federalist No. 10 had the insolvent states in mind as well because he portrays the requirement to secure the national councils against any danger from a rage for paper money, for an abolition of debts, for an equal division of property, or for any other improper or wicked project. In a letter to Jefferson in France on October 24, 1787 Madison wrote, about the unstable state government contributed more to that uneasiness which produced the convention, and prepared the public mind for a general reform, than those which accrued to our national character and interest from the inadequacy of the confederation to its immediate objects.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Earthquake in Japan Essay Example for Free

Earthquake in Japan Essay On March 11, 2011, the most powerful earthquake ever recorded hit Japans eastern coast. It killed hundreds of people as it made its way through the streets and fields, sweeping away boats, cars and homes. Its magnitude was 8.9, releasing a 23-foot tsunami and then provoking more than 50 aftershocks for hours. This horrific event resulted in the loss of thousands of lives and devastated entire towns. The amount of damage caused by the earthquake and resulting tsunami was excessive, with most of the damage being caused by the tsunami. Thousands of families were left without electricity. Many nuclear and conventional power plants went offline after the earthquake. Cell phones and landline services suffered major disruptions so many people weren’t able to communicate with their relatives across the country. Japans transportation was also affected. Expressways were damaged; cars and trucks were swept away by the tsunami and railway services cancelled. The earthquake was caused by an uplift of the sea floor, where the Pacific tectonic plate slides beneath the plate Japan sits on. This motion pulls the upper plate down until the stress builds up enough to cause a seismic event. Tons of miles of crust ruptured along the area where the tectonic plates meet. Since the earthquake occurred at a very shallow depth, much of its energy was released at the seafloor, therefore causing the tsunami that devastated Japan and causing chaos among the Japanese community. Even though Japan was said to be â€Å"prepared† for a natural disaster such as a tsunami by building protective walls, the large size of the water surge was completely unexpected. The tsunami walls were built based on much smaller tsunami heights recorded in the past. To the surprise of the Japanese people, the tsunami simply washed over the top of the seawalls, collapsing some in the process. The tsunami also caused a number of nuclear accidents. Many electrical generators were taken down, and at least three nuclear reactors suffered explosions due cooling system failure. The tsunami waves overtopped seawalls and destroyed diesel backup power systems, leading to severe problems such as large explosions and radioactive leakage. It has been almost a year since the devastating 9.0 earthquake and tsunami destroyed coastal communities in northern Japan killing more than 15,000 people. What struck me the most about this tragedy is the reaction of the Japanese community and picturing what it would have been like to be present at that moment. I can simply imagine the terror in people’s faces trying to survive and doing everything they could to save their families and themselves. Even though thousands of people died, those who lived through this horrible experience can count with our total support and help from those who could not do anything at the moment and simply watched as Mother Nature, once again, did its job.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Digi Telecommunications Sdn

Digi Telecommunications Sdn If there is one defining story in the technology world today, it is most likely the explosive growth of mobile communications. It is more well known that there are more mobile handsets than personal computers and that each of them has more computing power than the NASA computers that placed a man on the moon. This trend is connecting people from all around and across the world and acting as a great leveler as people are able to communicate and collaborate more seamlessly. Leading this trend in Malaysia would be Digi Telecommunications Sdn. Bhd. is a mobile service provider and provides wireless telecommunications services. The company is owned by Telenor ASA of Norway with 49%. On 24 May 1995 DiGi became the first Telco in Malaysia to launch and operate a fully digital cellular network. The company was formerly known as Mutiara Telecommunications Sdn Bhd but changed its name to Digi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd in January 1999. Digi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd was founded in 1995 and bs ed in Shah Alam, Malaysia. Digi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd operates as a subsidiary of DiGi.Com Berhad. Right now, DiGi is listed on the Bursa Malaysia under the Infrastructure category. DiGi Telecommunications Sdn. Bhd. Company provides a variety or broad of mobile communication services. These services include data services to individual and corporate customers, voice under their prepaid plans postpaid plans, SMS, data plans and services, international roaming, international calling card and WAP services. Digi faced challenges understanding the status of opportunities, inputting data manually into multiple systems, tracking proposal approval status and lines activation status, and tracking the success of marketing campaigns. Other challenge faced by Digi would be its directly and indirectly competitors. Competitors which compete directly with Digi are Maxis, Celcom, and U Mobile. DiGi also competes indirectly with broadband services provider such as TM, P1, Redtone, Amax. 3.0 Situation analysis 3.1 General Environment Analysis Political Strong Malaysian Government support: In 2007, Malaysian government has set to achieve 50% Malaysian household with both wired and wireless mobile broadband penetration by the end of 2010. In order to aid service providers further, the government rolls out supplies of broadband infrastructure and services throughout Malaysia. Plus, they also aggressively generate continuous demand in 3 aspects which are awareness, attractiveness and affordability. Malaysian Government discourages the usage of cell phone among school kids: In the year of 2006, Malaysian government banned the usage of cell phone among kids in nationwide school even included the fully residential schools. The decision was taken after many groups especially parents and teachers expressed their concern that allowing the handheld tool to be used by students while in schools could lead to a lot of problems such as affecting students performance in class. Social Influx of foreign worker: Traditionally, Maxis and Celcom have neglected to provide mobile services for this segment on the assumption that foreign workers are unable to afford them. DiGi entered this full of opportunity yet neglected segment after discovering that these migrants were willing to pay for communications to connect with their loved ones back home if they were offered affordable packages without any extras and make it their stronghold. Foreign workers are important in expanding Malaysias economy as they are the ones who willing to work for long hours but only receiving minimum pay. Foreign workers will be willing to work in Malaysia if they could contact their loved ones and family anytime with low cost. Higher standard living among Malaysians: Malaysians are able to enjoy the high-tech tele communication provided. Whether it is to be in touch with their loved ones or family. Communications has improved skills and knowledge among the Malaysian citizens. Globalization The world is now borderless where by economic openness and growing interdependence between countries had spur on increase in movements of people, goods and services. Increasing in Malaysias GDP: The communications and multimedia industry contributed 6.1% in term of revenue to Malaysias GDP. While in 2009, this industry generate about RM40 billion. For 2nd Quarter of 2010, the communication sub-sector registered 8.4% growth, mainly attributed to greater usage of cellular, broadband and 3G services. Economics Offering lower price packages: As economic downturn or during recession, Digi always offer the lowest price compared to its two competitors which are Maxis and Celcom. Therefore, even in the worst economic position, Digi will not lose its market share but more users are switching to Digi for its attracting benefits. Technology Continuous technological advancement in wired and wireless telecommunication: The creation of short messaging service (SMS), multimedia messaging service (MMS), GRPS, and 3G. Demographic Population: With the help of telecommunication services, population in certain areas will be expanding as people are safe to move around since there is a way to communicate with each other. Immigrants who came to Malaysia are able to get in touch with their hometown. Physical The packages offered: There are so many promotions and cheap packages offer by Digi so that people are able to get in touch with each other without paying a large sum of amount. These benefits attracted some populations like students and people with lower salary as promotions offered by Digi could save up money. 3.2 Porters Five Forces Analysis Porters five forces is a framework for the industry analysis and business strategy development that introduced by Michael E. Porter of Harvard Business School in 1979. This theory normally uses to determine the competitive intensity of an organization the overall industry profitability. Therefore, a business has to understand its position in the industry in order to create competitive advantages. There are 5 elements under Porters five forces which are new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products, and lastly intensity of rivalry among competitors. In telecommunication industry, Digi faces a very stiff competition which come from the main competitor Maxis and Celcom. From the aspect of new entrants, we can see that the capital require to enter this industry is very high, therefore this telecommunication industry is basically owned by 3 big companies. From the perspective of government policy and regulation, The National Telecommunication Policy encourages a healthy and orderly competition. The telecommunications sector has been opened to competition where basic infrastructure and telecommunications services are operated by private enterprises in order to provide a better quality services. In this sector, consumers have a low switching cost between these mobile telecommunication companies. Overall, we can consider a threat to new entrants is medium level. The second element in Porters 5 forces is bargaining power of buyers. In this industry, the bargaining powers of buyers are increasing in these few years. Most of the people need this mobile telecommunication service. Consumers purchase a large portion of industrys total output. Other than that, the switching cost between these companies is very low. Lastly, it is clear to see that the product between Digi and maxis is actually undifferentiated or standardized. Consumers who do not satisfy with the services from Digi can easily switch to other companies. Through these indications above, we can conclude that the bargaining power of buyers is very high. The next element is threat of substitute products. The substitute products may simply increase competition in an industry. When Maxis launch a new package to the market, Digi revenue will decrease due to the stress from its competitors. Therefore, Digi has to introduce some new services to attract consumer attention back. The products in this mobile telecommunication industry is actually undifferentiated, therefore, the threat of substitute products is high. The fourth element is intensity of rivalry among competitors which refer to the major determinant of the competitiveness of the industry. As mentioned earlier, Digi faces a very stiff competition in this sector by equally balance competitors especially Maxis. Basically, the products between these companies are lack of differentiation and the switching cost is low. In order to pursuit an advantage over its rivals, Digi company always adopt some new strategies on changing price and launch a cheaper package such as Digi campus to its users to make sure their customers maintain loyalty to the company. As an overall, level of rivalry that Digi faces can be concluding as high level. The last element in this theory is the bargaining power of suppliers. The bargaining power of suppliers can consists as high because most of the equipment that used to build tower cannot be sources locally, it is highly depend to export from other country. Because of the equipment is unique especially Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM), so most of them are imported from other countries. There are only a few suppliers for Digi and the switching cost of Digi to change to another supplier is quite high. 3.3 Descriptive for key stakeholder In term of organizations, DiGi is doing well in preserving the environment, which was being supported and recognized by peoples that all around the world. This may help in improving their brand name and can be a part of advertising strategies too. For example, On 3 June of 2010, DiGi had donated a total of RM98, 211 to WWF-Malaysia to reforest, which is up to 12 hectares of degraded forest as part of the Kinabatangan Corridor of Life (K-CoL) reforestation project. The fund was collected under the four month DiGi Postpaid e-Billing that derived from DiGis Minus campaign, which was started from December 2009 to March 2010. For each postpaid the customer who paid for the electronic billing, which is so called e-billing, DiGi donated Rm3 for the reforestation project. Although it only Rm3, but each contribution of RM3 can help to reforest an area equal to the size of 75 pieces of postpaid bill envelopes placed side-by-side, which is about 3 square meters. In short, the e-billing campaign was one of the activities that being carried out to reduce the paper usage. This is the main purpose that DiGis Deep Green ambition for minimising the environment impact. This is proven as DiGi always try to reduce their carbon footprints; they keep on encouraging customers make payment through e-billing, moreover, they also reduced the packaging and the size of the DiGi reload cards and the SIM packs. Last but not least, DiGi also provides a total paperless personal accident insurance, which the whole procedures will be done through the mobile phone. Besides, DiGi launched the campaign of Yellow Coverage Fellow through a series of television commercials. Originally called Yellow Man, until renamed by DiGis marketing team as YCF. It entitled with the DiGi Yellow, and DiGis WIDEST Coverage always with you. The theme song is I Will Follow You. Obviously the public response to the campaign was very positive. This is because I Will Follow You had become a phrase among the Malaysian public. In term of Product, the products and the services that provided by DiGi is well known by all the peoples around the worlds and is attracting the subscribers to be one of the DiGi users. DiGi is the first to operate the full cellular network and is the first to operate their cellular network in Sabah and Sarawak Besides, DiGi is the First operator in Asia to be part of the International Roaming Platform and to launch the use of the dual-band mobile phones. On the year 1997, DiGi be the first telcomunication company that being listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Main Board under the Infrastructure Project Companies category, and at that time, DiGi is known as Mutiara Swisscom Bhd. On 1998, Digi also be the first operator in Malaysia that launched the prepaid mobile phone service. The expecting of DiGi continued, to be the first GSM operator in Malaysia to offer Automatic International Roaming service to the United States of America; to be the first telecomuncation to launch a web site in Malaysia, the introduced of e-pay system as mentioned above and the following are the awards of DiGi: Mobile Data Service Provider of the Year by Frost Sullivan Malaysia Telecoms Awards 2005,Mobile Data Service Provider of the Year by Frost Sullivan Malaysia Telecoms Awards 2006,Best Prepaid Telco Service Provider 2005 by IT publications PC.Com, received in 2006,Mobile Operator of the Year, Malaysia by Asian Mobile News, received in June 2006,Malaysias CEO of the Year by Business Times, received in 2006,Malaysias Most Innovative Company survey by the Wall Street Journal Asia, received in October 2006 Mobile Data Service Provider of the Year by Frost Sullivan Malaysia Telecoms Awards 2007, on 24 May, Mobile Service Provider of the Year by Frost Sullivan Malaysia Telecoms Awards 2007, on 24 May and last but not least the Wireless Service Provider of the Year by Frost Sullivan Asia Pacific ICT Awards 2007, on 15 June In addition, DiGi is not only popular with their background but also with the price that they offered for their plan. For example, the prepaid package, DiGi Campus, which is highly demanded by the students that are studying in University. This is due to the low rate of calling and sms rate. Students can enjoy 100 minutes free calls to others DiGi numbers when they meet the conditions of spending RM2 per date. Besides, for the postpaid package, the user is only required to pay as low as 0.15 per minutes. 3.4. SWOT analysis based on stakeholder groups Digi SWOT analysis 3.4.1 Strength Product Innovation Innovation is important because it exploiting new ideas to create a new product, process or service. Innovations become major strength because their research and development had always exceeded customer expectation so that increasing the customer satisfaction toward Digi. For example, innovation product such as Digi Campus for university student and Digi broadband services. Reward system A good reward system can motivate current subscribers and potential subscribers. Good reward system become a strength because Digi have a completely, effective, and efficiency system to service their subscriber. For example, birthday bonus for subscriber, a user can enjoy 50% extra bonus credit when reload before 3 days and after 3 days on the user birthday. Organization Affiliation Telenor ASA now is Digi.Com Berhards first majority foreign-owned telecommunications service provider. Keeping good relationship with Telenor is a major strength of Digi. Affiliation with Telenor is important because Telenors will bring collective strength to Digi such as development of advanced technologies and services and maintaining the Digi status as a leader player in telecommunication sector. For example, Telenor intends to expand DIGIs business and further strengthen and improve the companys market position, with a particular emphasis on mobile product and services. (Arve Johansen, CEO Telenor mobile) Facilities Facilities are important because it bring convenience to customer and save time and cost. Facilities of Digi become strength because it provided many methods to let subscriber easily get what they want. For example, Digi center, reload credit through online banking, online payment and many more. It brings a super convenience to subscriber and will increase the customer satisfaction. Another reason is because too many competitor offering same services, so that Digi must offer facilities that other competitor dont have. Capital Strong financial performance Strong financial performance in Digi becomes strength because Digi have stable number subscribers. An increasing and stable number of subscribers can lead strong financial performance in Digi, Digi are focusing in customer satisfaction, excellent customer experiences and keep attract new subscribers by promoting their product and services. 3.4.2 Weakness Product Late to reach customer in latest information Latest information late to reach end user becomes a major weakness because Digi seldom promote their product and services in society. Latest information late to reach end user will cause lose a lot of potential customer and the sales will start to dropping down. For example, when new product or services release, if no any promoting activities like open booth, promotion to promote product, all the customer will dont know the latest information in Digi. Organization Dependency on strategic sharing Dependency on strategic sharing becomes major weakness in Digi because Digi are still highly depending on product development and RD. They think try through product development can serve the customer better but it may not effectively, too focus on product development will cause the relationship between Digi and customer becomes not strong, they may will ignore the customer feeling and customer satisfaction. Lack of involvement of Digi ambassadors Ambassadors is important because they can lead a company toward successful and influence the telecommunication market. Lack of involvement becomes weakness because Digi ambassador lack of involvement in promoting product and services. Once the ambassador did not showing their responsibility, the latest information cannot be deliver to customer therefore the performances of company will be affected. 3.4.3 Opportunity Product Rising telecommunication demand Higher demand for Digis product and services become an opportunity in Digi because it can lead Digi to produce more product and services to improve their sales and revenue. More people demand for the Digis product and services meaning that the quality of product and services offer by Digi is good and customer willing accept due to larger satisfaction. For example, low cost broadband internet services bring larger demand. Higher standard of living Recently, the Malaysia higher standard of living also becomes an opportunity for Digi Company. Higher standard of living in Malaysia cause the demand for telecommunication increase, many people will start choose the best telecommunication industry to be their communication tool due to the convenient. For example, even nowadays a 7 years old girl has their own mobile phone. Organization Advance technology in human resource Advance technology in human resource are become an opportunity in Digi. Digi must focusing on recruiting new employee and provide training to them so that can maintaining a competent human resources in Digi. Capital High capital investment High capital investments become an opportunity in Digi because of the ultimate holding company, Telenor. Telenor was investing a large amount of capital to expand their business to achieve profitability and enhance shareholder returns. 3.4.4 Threat Product High bargaining power of consumer In telecommunication industry there have a lot of company like maxis, celcom, telekom Malaysia. Consumers are easily to choose and switch to another industry to use. In this case, Digi can offering higher quality of telecommunication services to customer at a lower price so that Digi wont lose their customer. Technology advancement in telecommunication Technology advancement such as in wired and wireless telecommunication becomes a threat in Digi Company. Current level of technology maybe very fast outdated because of other competitor continues offering new product with new technology. So, Digi can keep continue in improving the RD and keep at the lower price of product to compete them. For example, the lower cost of Digi broadband internet services brings a lot of business. Organization High switching cost High switching cost becomes a threat in Digi Company. Switching to another supplier the cost is very high, so, switching to another supplier is very hard. To overcome this problem, Digi must keep a close relationship between the current supplier which is Ericsson and Trisilco Folec. Continue a good relationship with supplier Digi can save more cost in acquiring material to produce product and services. 3.5 Summary of situation analysis Strength Innovation of Digi product Good affiliation with Telenor major foreign service provider Excellent facilities convenience Innovation is very important as every competitor try to innovate in a fast pace to compete with each other. Good innovation will lead to successful or failure of a company. Keeping good relation with major foreign service provider will stabilize the investors investment on the company, which will lead to major profiting in the company for now and future. Providing excellent facilities and service will satisfy customers, and because of that, they will subscribe and be loyal. Weakness Slower in updating latest information Too dependent on strategic sharing Lack of involvement of Digi ambassadors Slowing in updating latest information will cause major loss in long term if the competitor knows the weakness of the company. Everything have to be fast when comes to telecommunication and technology. Focusing or too depending on certain department will influence the environment of the company. It will slowly abandon some important department and cause chaos or blurring of the company organization pattern. Good ambassadors deliver good information to customer, and customer deliver profit to company. Choosing a good ambassador will shape up the message of the company and deliver it to customer clearly. Opportunities Rising of telecommunication demand Higher standard of living High capital investment in expanding business There are a lot of opportunities in telecommunication. As the world moving in fast pace, from 3g to 3.5g and now 4g. The rising of telecommunication demand boost up and open opportunities for existing company to achieve better and stable their company, so that they would not beat down by the new rising advance company. People demand more and create new opportunities as well as idea to satisfy their standard of living. Fast, convenience, save time, save cost, these are the reason people influence the level of living standard. To expand business, we need capital. When we have high capital investment, it shows the how good is the reputation of the company. High investment will influence the size of business, and of course, the profit, and keeping the customers. Threats High bargaining power of consumer Technology advancement in telecommunication High switching cost to another supplier Telecommunication field is full with competitors. Each of the company is very similar to each other. Consumer holds a very strong bargaining power to make their own choice. They choose what they like and what they think it is best for them. They can be switch to A company for today, and maybe tomorrow they will be switching to B company. Current level of technology maybe very fast outdated because of other competitor continues offering new product with new technology. Consumer will go for the company who offer them better technology. Switching to another supplier the cost is very high that makes switching to another supplier is very hard. Keep a close relationship between the current supplier can save more cost in acquiring material to produce product and services. 4.0 The Strategic Option of an organisation (DiGi) Build a powerful competitive advantage The strategic option of DiGi is to build a powerful competitive advantage. DiGi became the first telco in Malaysia to launch and operate a fully digital cellular network on 24 May 1995. On the year 1997, DiGi be the first telecommunication company that being listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Main Board under the Infrastructure Project Companies category, and at that time, DiGi is known as Mutiara Swisscom Bhd. On the year 1998, Digi also be the first operator in Malaysia that launched the prepaid mobile phone service. The expecting of DiGi continued, to be the first GSM operator in Malaysia to offer Automatic International Roaming service to the United States of America; to be the first telecommunication to launch a website in Malaysia. This is the main competitive advantage due the often establishment of the first time in Malaysia. Hence it is well known throughout the world. Besides, DiGi provided a cheap Digi Plan, which is Happy Plan. This is targeted to those customers that make a lot of calls and sms, it only costs 1sen/second and up to 99sen per call to any number in Malaysia and the in year 2008, DiGi is the first Telco in Malaysia to introduce Mobile Number Selection service. This service enables the users to choose their own number rather than just following the traditional way. For example, in the traditional way, the user will purchase a new SIM that has been pre-assign with fix mobile number but now they can choose the numbers that they prefer. Sometimes, extra charges are needed for some special numbers, such as with the same digit that repeated twice or more. Operational Efficiency Besides, Operational Efficiency also is one of the strategic options of DiGi. Nowadays, many companies are focusing on IT Infrastructure .Technology can be either a great source. The applications of technology should be supported by an IT infrastructure that connects a companys users to each other. By connecting the DiGi company to their subscribers, this can help the users of DiGi always alert of the latest information and the promotions of DiGi. In term of technology, DiGi has provided Wireless, 3G and Internet Broadband services. Moroever, Facebook Zero, this is a light-weight, text -only version of the standard Facebook Mobile site and it is free and is accessible by all the Digi prepaid and postpaid users. It brings convenient to the users, as now the users can still stay connected with their fellow friends of family just by using their small device. Besides, in term of broadband, DiGi now is offering the quota of 3GB, cost RM38 per month, and the modem is free of charge. The op erational efficiency also included the peoples. This peoples is referred to those who working at DiGi departments. A current issue, DiGi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd will continue to invest in customer service amid the economic slowdown to provide better value and build brand loyalty Schnitker, Tom. (2009,February 21). Customer service still tops for DiGi. The Star. DiGi is enhancing their service level DiGi Telecommunications Sdn. Bhd. provides a variety of mobile communication services, such as voice under their prepaid plans postpaid plans, SMS, data plans and services, international roaming, international calling card and WAP services. Besides that, the users of DiGi is provided with the service of friend and family where the customers is allowed to set 6 Digi numbers that they will call more often. The calling rate and sms rate for these 6 numbers are lower than the normal prepaid rate. Personal Accident Insurance also is one of the services provided by DiGi, which is the competitive advantage that will the others networks do not provided and followed. DiGi provided 1 month free trial PA insurance for their users. The PA insurance can be categorized into 3 categories which is the RM50000 personal insurance, RM100000 personal insurance and RM100000 Family Personal insurance. Customers can enjoy the 1 month trial of the RM50000 of PA insurance and after one month, they can still continue to purchase the PA insurance at RM2 for 30 days coverage. Then you will still be protecting under RM50000 PA insurance plan, but with the term and conditions applied. Moreover, DiGiRemit, this allowed an individual to transfer through mobile phones and has remittanced to Indonesia, Phillippines and with more countries are following soon. Customers can just send 2 text messages to complete their transfer. This brought high convenient to their customers due to this remittance can be transferred to anyone with or without the bank account in the destination country. Besides, it is secured due to the administering of Citibank until the money is being delivered to the beneficiary. greater shares for its stakeholders Last but not least, DiGi provided greater shares for its stakeholders.DiGi market share is currently 25.00 per share. Which is much more higher than its competitors such as Maxis, only 5.33 per share. The shareholders of DiGi can increase their wealth by invest in DiGi. 5.0 Key selection criteria Strategies Activities/Tactics Key selection/criteria Build a competitive advantage Happy Plan Mobile number selection Focus on customer Focus on low cost of product Operational efficiency Infrastructure Facebook Zero, broadband Peoples Customer service. Focus on customer Focus on product quality Enhanced service levels Friend and Family Personal Accident Insurance DiGiRemit Focus on customer Focus on low cost Focus on quality of service. Greater market share RM25.00 per share Focus on shareholder wealth 6.0 Recommendation Key Question Recommendation Decision criteria Pros Cons 1. How the Digi be the top in its game? 1. More branding and quality product. 2. Build up the quality segment 3. Potential high dividend -Research and development, innovation, creative. -lowest call rate in different segment, eg. Postpaid segment. -the growth of sales and revenue. -increase sales and revenue -more focus the need of customer in different segment. -increase shareholder wealth -compete with diversification product from competitor -too many segments may cause company hard to focus in one. -capital gains decrease due to the higher profit and tax expense. 2. Can Digi maintain strong relationship with suppliers? 1. Always place order on time. 2. Setting Digi account on time. 3. Communication between Digi and suppliers -The time to deliver the material. -The dateline of payment -the understanding between Digi and supplier -Supplier have enough time to prepare -clear payment on time can maintain the liquidation of company -establishing the relationship between each others -late submitting order will let supplier not

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Crucible - Was The Mass Hysteria Necessary? Essay -- Essay on The

In The Crucible, there was a lot of senseless behavior. The purpose of The Crucible is to educate the reader on the insanity that can form in a group of people who think they are judging fairly upon a group of people. Judge Hawthorne believes what he is told by certain people is the truth even if little evidence is to be shown. The young girls with Abigail convince Hawthorne of others being witches so that Abigail can get what she wants, John Proctor, also so that Abigail does not blackmail the girls. The Crucible by Authur Miller investigates the effects of hysteria, superstitions and repression on the Salem Community in the late 1600’s. Author Miller, 1915- was born in New York City and graduated from Abraham High School in Brooklyn, New York. Miller later went on to graduate school at the University of Michigan, 1938, where he received a prize for his play write. After college Miller joined the United States Army and fought in World War II. Miller also went through the great depression. Arthur Miller’s first play was written in 1944, he titled it â€Å"The Man who had All the Luck.† The Crucible is a dramatization of the 17th-century Salem witch trials and a parable about the United States in the McCarthy era. It was written in 1953 and Miller received a Tony Award for this play write. Miller’s The Theater Essays (1971) is a collection of writings about the craft of play writes and the nature of modern tragedy. In his time he has written many others plays, he has also writt...

Death and the Maiden Essay -- Ariel Dorfman

“There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.” Ââ€"Oscar Wilde Death and the Maiden discusses Princess Diana, her media, and her public from the point-of-view of Maureen Dowd. Was Diana the “spendthrift of her own celebrity”? Is the media a market of vultures feeding off of Diana? Does the public actually have any remorse for the Princess? There is no right or wrong answers for these questions because they are merely opinionated. Whether or not Diana was a victim of celebrity culture or the creator of her own demise is debatable, and even though Dowd thinks the coverage of DianaÂ’s death was awful she felt she brought on a lot of the other attention herself. She implies that DianaÂ’s celebrity led to her making careless, irrational decisions. Dowd states “The Princess of Wales was the queen of surfaces, ruling over a kingdom where fame was the highest value and glamour was the most cherished attribute.” Here she insinuates Diana is superficial and did things on purpose for the fame, she then goes on to say “she rode the...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Hemophilia Essay -- essays research papers fc

Hemophilia is the oldest known hereditary bleeding disorder. There are two types of hemophilia, A and B (Christmas Disease). Low levels or complete absence of a blood protein essential for clotting causes both. Patients with hemophilia A lack the blood clotting protein, factor VIII, and those with hemophilia B lack factor IX. A person with severe hemophilia has less than 1% of the normal amount of a clotting factor - either Factor VIII (8) or Factor IX (9). People without hemophilia have between 50-150% of the normal level of factor VIII or IX. There are about 20,000 hemophilia patients in the United States. Each year, about 400 babies are born with this disorder. Approximately 85% have hemophilia A and the remainder has hemophilia B. The severity of hemophilia is related to the amount of the clotting factor in the blood. About 70% of hemophilia patients have less than one percent of the normal amount and, thus, have severe hemophilia. A small increase in the blood level of the clotting factor, up to five percent of normal, results in mild hemophilia with rare bleeding except after injuries or surgery. This is not a problem when a person with hemophilia has a simple cut or scrape. He doesn’t bleed any faster than the average person. He can hold pressure on the cut and platelets in the blood will stop the bleeding. The problem for people with hemophilia is bleeding inside the body, especially bleeding into joints like the knees, elbows, and ankles. When bleeding happens inside the joint, it becomes very swollen and painful. Repeated bleeding into a joint can cause a type of crippling arthritis. Bleeding inside other parts of the body, such as the brain, throat, and abdomen can be life-threatening. A person with mild hemophilia may only have problems with bleeding when he has surgery, major dental work, or a severe injury. A person with moderate hemophilia will have those problems plus bleeding problems with more minor injuries such as a hard bump to the knee. A person with severe hemophilia can have what are called spontaneous bleeds - bleeding that starts inside the body for no known reason. Hemophilia is classified as mild, moderate or severe, depending on the amount of clotting factor a person has in his body. Severe hemophilia is actually the most common form. People with hemophilia are born with the disorder and have it all of their lives. You can't ca... ...ed HIV. Factor VIII gene is characterized and cloned. 1985 Viral-inactivated factor concentrates become available. ELISA and Western Blot Test are developed to test antibodies for HIV. 1989 Hepatitis C virus, previously called non-A, non-B, is identified. 1991 Testing for hepatitis C is introduced. 1992 First recombinant factor VIII products become available. 1995 First case of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the human form of Mad Cow disease, is identified in the U.K. 1997 First recombinant factor IX products become available. 1998 Gene therapy trials on humans begin. Effective treatment for hemophilia is available, but as yet there is no cure. Bleeding can be treated with an injection of clotting factor that is made from blood or biotechnological ingredients called recombinants. Bleeding stops when enough clotting factor reaches the affected area. Works Cited I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Principles Of Genetics 7th Edition, Robert H. Tamarin. 2002 II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  World Federation of Hemophilia. III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hemophilia of Georgia. IV.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hemophilia Village.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

History Museum Visit Essay

Located on the coast of southern California is the city of La Jolla. Now home to almost 40,000 people, this city shares its own historical story from the past one hundred and fifty years through a series of presentations located within three historical structures. These three structures include, The Westeria Cottage, Carriage House and the Current Headquarters. Each structure contributes its portion in putting together the La Jolla’s Historical Society. Currently, the structures are featuring, Home front La Jolla : An American Community during World War 11. The series includes multiple rooms dedicated to different parts in history, along with the different aspects going on during the war. Each room featured many photographs, artifacts and personal stories to exploit the hardship of these times in our history. Many of these items were either donated or loaned by the Veterans Museum in Balboa Park and the Japanese American Historical Society of San Diego. While researching for museums, early in February I came across the main website for these historical sites. It caught my eye because I knew that this exhibit would cast a different kind of perspective than other grand museums. There are a ton of histories on World War II, but there are very few on the home front experience. The La Jolla Historical Society presents a perspective from its society, and shares multiple personal oral stories from its own residents who lived through the war or their surviving relatives, which I found fascinating. It is catered specifically to the effects of World War II on La Jollians. The oral stories provided by this exhibit are not only about what these residents remember about World War II, but also an intake of what life was like beyond that. I viewed this as a much different approach, but was very excited to begin my experience because I knew it would be something new. On April 7th, 2012, I took the opportunity to travel down to La Jolla and visit the museum. The museum is open Thursday-Sunday, Noon to four PM and does not have a fee at all. I was also fortunate to be able to attend on a day where there was a given lecture at five PM, giving me enough time to grab an early dinner before returning again. The lecture, Science & Technology on the Home front, was covered by an oceanographer and U.S Army veteran Walter Munk. He discussed the scientific innovations sparked by the needs of the war effort precipitating a boom in the fields of marine sciences and aeronautics. Entering the museum, I was introduced into a grand room that was divided up by glass cylinders, and it also offered entrances to many other rooms. Initially where you begin the journey, the right wall played an introduction role. It began with the year of 1894, displaying numerous photographs creating an idea of how life was like in La Jolla at the time. â€Å"Everyone knew everyone† quoted by Maurice Bonny was stated at the top of the wall. Photographs included vacation sports such as the La Jolla Caves, as well as the role of the newly invented Trains and Trolleys played and daily lifestyle activities such as golfing and beachside activities. Continuing along, stood in front of me a large wall with a devastating photograph of the explosives on December 7th, 1941. Underneath was the original copy of the U.S Navy Communication Service from that given day, along with an article written the following day by John MaxConnel. This portion of the exhibit also feautured my first chosen artifact, a scrapbook. The oral history of a World War II veteran, Don Shutte, was done by a La Jolla High School student named Ana Ofresky, especially for this exhibit. Don Schutte donated a scrapbook of artifacts of things throughout his experience. It contained images, personal sketches and official documents, including the telegram the Department of War sent to his parents notifying them of his status as missing in action and a POW identification card he was given by the German Army upon his capture and imprisonment during the Battle of Bulge, on December 16, 1944. The final page of the scrapbook contains a letter he wrote to himself on Dec. 2, 1945, stating: â€Å"Hello there, great to be a civilian, isn’t it?† I found this a significant artifact because it told a story of just one man involved in the war in a very unique way. The documents inside this scrapbook were all original and of items I had never se en before. On the opposite side of the room was a large wall which featured certain camps that La Jolla was hosting at the time. These camps included Camp Callan, Camp Mathews and a military base in Bird Rock. Camp Calvin B. Mathews, also known as Marine Corps. Rifle Range was a military base from 1917 to 1964. It was used as a marksmanship training facility for Marine recruits being trained at Marine Corps Recruit. It was issued a rifle base but not until 1923. The base was then constructed to what is now UCSD. Camp Callen was a United States Army anti-aircraft artillery replacement training center that was operational during the time of war but was shut down right after World War II had ended. Lastly, there was another Naval Anti- Aircraft Training Center at Bird Rock, or Pacific Beach. This was a site where sailors would take a six-day course on anti-aircraft artillery. It was opened from 1942 to 1945 and trained about 300,000 sailors to shoot down aircrafts. In a separate and very small room, was a Japanese American side and point of view during the war. It was set up to look like what s room at the internment camps looked like. â€Å"Most Japanese were interned in 10 camps in remote areas of seven western states. No claim of humane intent could change the reality-these were concentration camps. (pg. 736). The room only included a bed and a suitcase which included bedding, a book and one outfit. On the largest wall was a map that displayed the location of all of the internment camps in the U.S and a copy of a poster of instructions for the Japanese living in these rooms. â€Å"Local newspapers there expressed confidence in the loyalty of Japanese Americans, who in any case were crucial to Hawaii’s economy(pg.736)† The room also displayed many newspaper articles, including one from the Los Angeles Examiner on March 23, 1942 announcing relocation of Japanese Americans from Los Angeles to internment camps. It was good to see an example of what kind of media was out during the time. Also in the room was the story of Hiomi Nakamura, a La Jollian born Japanese American who was first transported to a permanent relocation internment camp site, and later drafted to play a role in the was at a laboratory. Also, in this room I found my second artifact, small carvings. In all of the internment camps, people began making what they needed with whatever materials they could find. Scrap lumber became furniture, found metal became knives and for fun, scrap wood was carved into small, painted birds. These carvings were scrap wood paint metal which women also used as jewelry. To the right of this room continues on to an even smaller room. This part of the exhibit was the â€Å"blackout† room, covered with thick black sheets much like those were used by residents at the time to keep light inside their houses. People were so afraid the Japanese would attack that they had to turn out all of their lights at night. Blackouts were enacted to prevent enemy aircraft from reaching their targets by sight. They also helped prevent ships from being viewed in silhouette against the shore, and vulnerable to attack by enemy submarines. Traffic lights and car lights were covered in a way that would deflect their beams to the ground. This is where another one of my artifacts was inspired, a black sheet. These sheets were a source of protection and I feel it exploits a sense of nationalism as well. The community as a whole worked together in order to make sure all the light in their society was turned off. Nationalism is brought up many times in our textbook startin g with the growth of corporate businesses, to the acts of citizens during all three wars. Finally, came the last and second largest room. In this room I found my two remaining artifacts. This part of the exhibit displayed both men and women’s role during the war. It included stories from women who were living at home, while their men were at war. It provided the perspective of what it was like to be a women or even young mother in La Jolla in the 1940’s. Alongside of the roles played living on the home front, it also displayed the new roles women took inside the war itself. â€Å"World War II brought an end to the military as an exclusive male enclave that women entered only as nurses (pg.730).† At first the government discouraged women who wanted to perform some kind of military service. It soon became clear that the war was going to demand more than the government had expected. Women began to do technical jobs normally performed by men. One of the artifacts that I chose from this room was a nurse’s robe from the Red Cross. This robe was not just your typical plain robe but was covered in patches of each army man they had helped. I was barely able to even see any white apart of the original robe. I chose this artifact because it truly portrayed the crucial role women also played in the war. Our textbook gives us a brief overview from the changes of roles women played during the time of war, but the number of patches on this robe opened my eyes to how much more of an important factor these nurses played taking on a great amount of soldiers. The number of men these women helped were astounding, definitely portraying how import a women’s role was. On the other side of the room was a glassed display of a US Army Air force uniform from 1943-1945. It was considered to be the â€Å"Eisenhower jacket,† based on General Eisenhower. In the display were also a M1903 Springfield Rifle and a M1 Grand Rifle alongside what seemed to be a map. The other artifact that I chose from this room was a silk scar f. Now this long silk scarf had nothing to do with fashion, but proved to be a crucial navigation tool during the war. Allied pilots were issued with these scarves that had detailed maps of enemy territory printed on them. The silk scarves also denoted railroads, canals, roads, frontier, churches and lighthouses. Air Power Shrinks the Globe on page 743 of our textbook discusses the growth of airplanes over the period of time of war. â€Å"The Wellington flew 255 miles an hour and cruised as high as 12,000 feet, with a range of 2,200 miles, whereas the new B-29s could travel more than 350 miles an hour, at altitudes up to 30,000 feet, with a range of up to 5,000 miles. (Pg. 743)† At the time, this was a massive step in the evolution of aircrafts and aircrafts at war, but if we compare this to the type of technology we have in our airplanes it cannot compare. Many of us cannot find our ways around our own city without using our mobile devices to navigate us. These pilots were u sing maps printed on scarves to help direct them around! It is incredible. I believe that the site gave an exceptional insight of how life was like prior, during and after World War 11. Each room explained its story well by the display of artifacts, photographs and touching oral stories it presented. The facility was well outlined timeline which exposed a sequence of events. The exhibit related perfectly to the content of this class with all the information and artifacts it presented. Many of the things presented corresponded with what the book had to say about World War II, along with a lot of new material as well. Overall, I was very pleased to have been able to take a day off and visit the La Jolla Historical Society. I was able to learn a great deal of new material which contributed to a better understanding of what times were like during the war, not only as a nation but to the residents of La Jolla.